Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Oh My Crazy Little Aubree

Just posted twice so be sure to check out the post below this one too! (Goin a little blogger-happy tonight! WOO-HOO!) :)

Oh my crazy Aubree!
(Aubree Faith at 14 months)

So, most 3 year olds are still learning how to play hide and seek and my little 3 year olds are no exception. Some at this age can hide but like to jump out laughing before they are found while others just don't understand the point in hiding in the first place. After all, if you are wanting to play a game with your friends, why would you run away and hide from them, right? :) Well, Nicholas is pretty typical. He will hide and jump out before it's time. Aubree on the other hand is just simply fun to watch. She is pretty good at the quiet part and even the staying hidden part...well, kind of. She will find a great hiding place, but she changes it a million times before the counter is done couting (and yes, as long as it takes Nicholas to count to 10---somehow the numbers 14, 20 and 23 get in there before he reaches 10 even though he can count to 20 just fine. I guess he just never likes to leave those numbers out no matter how low he is counting---she is able to change locations that many times) and then, when he finds her, rather than it being HIS turn to hide, she runs off to one of her other hiding places she's found until he finds her again then she continues until she's gone through all the good spots she found and he fnds her in all of them.  Then finally once she's out of spots, she gives in and becomes the counter. It's like she can't decide which spot was best so she wants to use them all in the same round. (funny thing, Nicholas just goes along with it like it's just how the game goes--I don't let the little squirt get away with it, I find her, it's MY turn to hide!) :)
(Aubree Faith at 4 months)

So, I wrote this...well, I actually was playing around with her when she was going through all her spots one day while we played and started saying these words to her then thought I would write it down.

My Hiding Aubree

Aubree, oh Aubree, where will you be hiding?
Outside? Inside? Are you still deciding?
Under the table? Behind the door?
In the closet on the floor?
Beneath the blankets atop the bed?
In daddy's recliner covering your head?
One, Two, Three, now here I come
If you're still not hiding then you'd better run!

(Aubree Faith at 3 years)

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