Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Busy Summer almost over...

WOW! So, a lot has been going on lately. We have been super busy with typical summer stuff. Annabelle turned 2 last month! (the 18th)
 I can't believe it! My baby! She is getting to be such a big girl.
(here she is with her nana and popsy)

The twins are just on to being their crazy little selves and getting bigger as well.

(Aubree dressed herself in several layers to play outside in 102 degrees at Belle's party / Nic on our vacation)

Donny is back to work after 2 weeks out and we are hoping that something will come through for him soon so he does not end up being out of work for an extended period of time again. :~/ We will find out soon I guess.

The pregnancy is going great! Morning sickess has been completely gone for a few weeks now. I am 15 weeks tomorrow so that is really good. 25 more to go! I am a little sick today but it is not pregnancy related. We were hoping to find out if it is boy or girl at my last appointment a week and a half ago but little Wetzel was being a crazy busy baby and moving so much we could never get a good view. Here's a video of the ultrasound: (Because I know everyone is just DYING to see it, huh?) ;)

Looks like we won't find out for another month as my doctor is getting married so we decided to skip my ultrasound for September and wait until my 20 week scan. UGH! More waiting! I just wanna know! Aubree is now saying that we are having a boy so that makes it unanimous! Although...she keeps saying we are going to name the baby "Audrey". Ha!

We were so blessed to be able to take a weekend vacation just over a week ago! We went with Donny's family to Lake Mead and took their boat out for a day then were also able to go to the Circus Circus in Vegas with the kids to let them watch the circus acts.

We had such  blast! Also, another highlight for me...I got to have a Bavarian Cream donut from Dunkin Donuts. (Yes, I capitalized that because it is deserving of no less! MMMmmmm!) If you haven't had one, they are definitely worth driving the 2 1/2-3 hours to get one! They are a MUST for me any time we drive to Vegas now. ---and no, this is not a pregnancy thing, it's a Destiny thing---. :)

The other thing that is concluding this busy summer for me is that I am now officially back to school! I am so excited to be able to start back again and hopefully be close to a finish! Before Donny and I met, I was only a few classes from starting the nursing program. Getting married put a longer hold on that than I had anticipated and I finally got back to classes summer 2008 but then found out I was expecting the twins. I finished the summer classes but, with the twin pregnancy already being high-risk, I didn't want to add more stress to it with another semester and also didn't want to risk their priority causing me to not get high grades so I took off school again and then, having newborn twins just stayed off for a bit. Then found out I was preggo with Belle when the twins were 9 months so it just didn't seem like school was going to happen for me. :( Well, since Donny was out of work for an entire year, I, for the first time ever, have qualified for student grants so, pregnant or not, I have motivation for taking the next 2 semesters of schooling! I am only taking 1 class right now but hope to take 2 next semester to use up all my grant money. The tricky thing is that baby Wetzel is due February 27th (2 weeks after classes start, so basically I will go to week 1 of classes, the next week I will have a csection, then the week after I will be back to class...probably in a wheelchair! Haha! It doesn't matter though, if I plan to raise 4 kids while being a nurse, I have to learn to deal with difficult, right? If I can follow through with this plan, then I know that I know that I know that nothing can stop me!!! (~theme music~) Anyways, so, that was a lot of ranting simply because I am waiting for my lunch to finish cooking. Mmmmm! White cheddar pasta! But I smell is now, so gonna go! Hope you like our little pics above!

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