A Bit About Me:
I am a classic nerd. I believe in all kinds of theoretical things like aliens and bigfoot! I love science and scientific documentries, or documentaries of all kinds really! I am in my 6th year of school and I have 83 units but still have never applied for my degree (you have to have 60 units for an associates) simply because I just like taking the classes and learning. :) So, are you convinced of my nerdness yet?
Well, in addition to all that, I also love to sew and craft! I am a pinerest addict! I have been sewing since before high school but more seriously since I had daughters. I love that just a plain piece of fabric can have such endless possiblities! I can make whatever I want with it! I am also a wannabe writer. I have been writing stories since I was very VERY little. I think as soon as I could write maybe. Just like fabric, I just love me a blank notebook. To think of the possibilities of what I can put on those beautiful blank pages....I'm getting goosebumps even now thinking about it. My husband teases me all the time that I have so many notebooks but am always buying new ones still. Since having kids, my main delight in fabric and paper is driven by what I want for them so when I get to work with my sewing machine or my pen, it is almost always a children's piece that results from my work. I am currently in the process of putting together a children's book full of poetry. You will find several poems posted throughout my blog. They are almost always written for my children.
More? Well...
Well, in addition to all that, I also love to sew and craft! I am a pinerest addict! I have been sewing since before high school but more seriously since I had daughters. I love that just a plain piece of fabric can have such endless possiblities! I can make whatever I want with it! I am also a wannabe writer. I have been writing stories since I was very VERY little. I think as soon as I could write maybe. Just like fabric, I just love me a blank notebook. To think of the possibilities of what I can put on those beautiful blank pages....I'm getting goosebumps even now thinking about it. My husband teases me all the time that I have so many notebooks but am always buying new ones still. Since having kids, my main delight in fabric and paper is driven by what I want for them so when I get to work with my sewing machine or my pen, it is almost always a children's piece that results from my work. I am currently in the process of putting together a children's book full of poetry. You will find several poems posted throughout my blog. They are almost always written for my children.
More? Well...
I can NOT cook well at all! I have ruined Kraft mac'n cheese 3 different times and still can't figure out what I am doing wrong. It doesn't matter much since I happen to have the only 3 children in all the universe who don't even like Kraft mac'n cheese! :S So when I met my husband and discovered that he not only attended a few culinary classes after he graduated, but he is truly GIFTED with a natural gourmet cooking ability, once I learned that, I looked no further, convinced him to buy me a ring and dragged him down the aisle before any other girl tasted his food and tried to steal him away! He's like a siren of food. (the first meal he ever made me was an amazing prime rib dinner) Donny and I have been happily married (and happily fed) since August 12, 2006! Oh! and he can do many more things besides cooking. He is a man of many talents and we have yet to break something he can't fix. And we break a LOT! It's easy to do when you have 3 toddlers running around the house all day...and...ok, a mom who does just as much damage as they do! :)
Aubree and Nicholas are twins born in February 2009 and Annabelle was born in August 2010. They are wonderful and inspirational! Each of them are so unique and different but they all love each other so much and get along great!
Then there is our recent little guy born December 2012. You will find several posts about him as he had a lot of issues beginning halfway through my pregnancy to even now he is continuing to go through several battles. We are so blessed by this amazing life the Lord has given us and I couldn't be more proud of our 4 little angels that teach me so much every day and make me a better mother, wife and just a better person over all!
We are very involved in our church, The Gate. I am a preacher's kid and have been all my life but even beyond being the pastor's daughter, I am devoted to the people of God that He has surrounded me with and the vision He has given to our specific church (expanding the Kingdom beginning in our community and reaching out to the outer most parts of the earth) is something I am dedicated to.
I am also very involved with March of Dimes (we are the Ambassador family for our local chapter) and their mission to help families of premature infants and babies born with birth defects. This passion is an incredibly strong driving force in my life now. It started with the birth of my own micropreemie, Jaxon, and his battle to survive.
Well, these are kind of all the main things about me and my life so I hope you enjoy readin my blog and about our crazy and fun life!