Wednesday, December 7, 2011

HOLY COW!!! 2 days in a row? Well, I can't find my journal and I wanted to document some things so this is the best way.

Last night I was putting babies to bed and I always lay belle down first so I carried her around for "night kissies". Donny kissed her then nick, then I hold her low for aubree to kiss her and belle quickly snapped her head away from aubree. Aubree immediately folded her arms and looked at me w a poochy-lipped scowl and said, "mommy, she's broken."

On the way home after working all day then about an hour and a half of running errands w the kids (I HATE errands!!!) they were all three arguing and screaming and driving me crazy so I, in my brilliant way, started asking them questions to try to focus their delirious energy in a quieter more constructive way. I asked who their best friends were (and corrected them any time they named anyone other than each other) and what they wanted for dinner. Then we began naming every person who has a "doggy". Ex: "does nana have a doggy?", "noooooo", "does yaya have a doggy?", "nooooo", "does Krystal have a doggy?", "YES!!!" and so on. Then after mentioning that memaw and papa have ten puppies, I asked if they wanted one. Aubree wanted a girl puppy and nick wanted a boy puppy. *duh* then I asked aubree what she wanted to name her puppy. "PINK!" nick argued, "no aubree! Your puppy doesn't have name 'Pink'". She whined, "that's my puppy Pink! She's a princess puppy!" Nicholas: "no aubree! You're puppy not a princess! Your puppy's a green!" aubree: "no nick nick! She's a pink princess"- now, as the argument was getting heated by this time, I had to interject, "it's ok nick nick. Aubree can have a pink princess puppy and u can have a green puppy." then aubree, in a high-pitched motherly voice said sweetly, "yeah... Is okay nick nick. Don't be sad. She can be a princess nick nick." then he resigned saying, "my puppy gween" then aubree in that same voice asked, "is your puppy green nick nick? Is your puppy green?" just love listening to my 2 year olds dialogue over these really important issues. Lawyers in the making. :)

And lastly:
This one actually happened thanksgiving day but I keep forgetting to write it down though I tell so many people. My kids and my sisters 4 kids (ages 4,3,2&1) were playing on the playground at my parents house while we sat nearby. Nicholas came running over to me and said (or "tattled" I should say) "mommy! Chloe (my 4 year old niece) told me NO!". Having no clue I said, "well? Go tell Chloe yes." he took off running over to her as I watched. She was on the tire swing and he runs up as close as he could, squares her in the eye and yells forcefully, "YES Chloe! YES!" then runs full speed back to me proud of himself and says, "I did it mommy! I told her yes!"

Ok, well I keep a journal of all the most precious things my kids say so hopefully I find that journal soon! I already have over 3 years of entries. *fingers crossed*

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