HOLY COW!!! 2 days in a row? Well, I can't find my journal and I wanted to document some things so this is the best way.
Last night I was putting babies to bed and I always lay belle down first so I carried her around for "night kissies". Donny kissed her then nick, then I hold her low for aubree to kiss her and belle quickly snapped her head away from aubree. Aubree immediately folded her arms and looked at me w a poochy-lipped scowl and said, "mommy, she's broken."
On the way home after working all day then about an hour and a half of running errands w the kids (I HATE errands!!!) they were all three arguing and screaming and driving me crazy so I, in my brilliant way, started asking them questions to try to focus their delirious energy in a quieter more constructive way. I asked who their best friends were (and corrected them any time they named anyone other than each other) and what they wanted for dinner. Then we began naming every person who has a "doggy". Ex: "does nana have a doggy?", "noooooo", "does yaya have a doggy?", "nooooo", "does Krystal have a doggy?", "YES!!!" and so on. Then after mentioning that memaw and papa have ten puppies, I asked if they wanted one. Aubree wanted a girl puppy and nick wanted a boy puppy. *duh* then I asked aubree what she wanted to name her puppy. "PINK!" nick argued, "no aubree! Your puppy doesn't have name 'Pink'". She whined, "that's my puppy Pink! She's a princess puppy!" Nicholas: "no aubree! You're puppy not a princess! Your puppy's a green!" aubree: "no nick nick! She's a pink princess"- now, as the argument was getting heated by this time, I had to interject, "it's ok nick nick. Aubree can have a pink princess puppy and u can have a green puppy." then aubree, in a high-pitched motherly voice said sweetly, "yeah... Is okay nick nick. Don't be sad. She can be a princess nick nick." then he resigned saying, "my puppy gween" then aubree in that same voice asked, "is your puppy green nick nick? Is your puppy green?" just love listening to my 2 year olds dialogue over these really important issues. Lawyers in the making. :)
And lastly:
This one actually happened thanksgiving day but I keep forgetting to write it down though I tell so many people. My kids and my sisters 4 kids (ages 4,3,2&1) were playing on the playground at my parents house while we sat nearby. Nicholas came running over to me and said (or "tattled" I should say) "mommy! Chloe (my 4 year old niece) told me NO!". Having no clue I said, "well? Go tell Chloe yes." he took off running over to her as I watched. She was on the tire swing and he runs up as close as he could, squares her in the eye and yells forcefully, "YES Chloe! YES!" then runs full speed back to me proud of himself and says, "I did it mommy! I told her yes!"
Ok, well I keep a journal of all the most precious things my kids say so hopefully I find that journal soon! I already have over 3 years of entries. *fingers crossed*
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
best chili ever!
I had written out a REALLY long post just now about some of my favorite Scriptures but I really need more time to truly be able to explain it so now I am all pumped about it and not going to post. I will soon though so do not let your curiosity bite you!
Donny went back to work today!!!! His company has been out of work since February with the exception of a couple of weeks here and there. We have been waiting "2-3 weeks" for his next job to start for 6 months now. Glad we can finally get back to some more normal routines again. It has been SOOOOO nice having him home all the time and just being able to be with the babies all the time but it is definitely time for him to be working again. He has been having really bad withdrawals particularly the last few weeks. It probably has a lot to do with us selling the house too though. We are having to really keep on top of keeping everything in order which, with 3 babies 2 years and under, is near impossible!
I thought I would celebrate the "getting back to normal" new life we started today by being all domestic and cooking dinner, which, if you know me in any way at all, you know that is NOT always a good thing. Donny likes to tell people that I can ruin Kraft Mac'n Cheese but what people usually don't know is that it actually is true. 2 times now (and Brant and Jess can attest to this as they were present both times) I have, in fact, ruined it. I still to this day have no idea what I did wrong! I SWEAR I did everything just like it says on the box. ??????? Anyways, so I really wanted to have dinner for him when he got home and since I LOOOOOOOOOVE chili, especially on a cold December evening, I decided to make chili. A professional googler, I decided since I don't have any cookbooks, I googled "best easy chili recipes" and came up with a list of chili recipes. I went with the one that said "blue ribbon winner" because....well....it was a BLUE RIBBON WINNER! So, it sounded really good and I had all but one ingredient but my friend (Cynthia) lives don the street and she had that ingredient and I thought....ahAHHHH, it's a sign from GOD, I am MEANT to make chili tonight! The recipe even called for THREE POUNDS of ground beef and I actually had that much! (which is unusual in this house! It was like oe of those , "God makes a way" kind of things! Maybe Jesus Himself was planning to come eat chili at my house because WOW! miracles are happening in preparation for this chili! (I DID end up burning part of the sauce but was able to save enough of it to make a smaller portion and everything was still good with it.)
So anyways, I make the chili and I thought it was so cool that it was one of those 4-hour recipes and thought I was really gonna impress by that alone! It smelled my house so amazingly and everything was perfect. (Oh! and if that isn't enough signs from God, the recipe also required CHOCOLATE!) so, with the Christmas play for church coming up, I had to leave to go to practice so I loaded the kids but Donny was on his way home so I unplugged the crock-pot and called him to tell him it should be good to go when he gets home.
I am telling people at practice about this amazing chili and am all excited to taste it when I get home! Play practice is over and I head home. Donny calls about half-way home and says, "did you use the 1-pound package of beef that was in the refrigerator?" "Yes I did," says I. "Well, that has been sitting in the refrigerator for about 4 weeks now. So it's gone bad. You can't eat that."
...let me warn you, everyone who will see me tomorrow...bad meat was not enough to stop me from eating it. We will see tomorrow how stupid of a decision that was.
So, now I am feeling a little nauseous but I think it's becaue I am typing this up. I mean, I used 2 pounds of good meat and only 1 pound of bad meat. I am hoping that all of those wonderful things truly WERE signs from God and that as His final miracle for my day, He made my spoiled meat good! :)
I must say, it was PHENOMENAL! Can't wait to eat it with good meat! I still count it a cooking success.
Anyways, please be praying for me and my family as we are still in the transition I mentioned last month. Finally people are starting to view our house so hopefully we will get it sold soon! We are safe now until after the holidays so I feel blessed that the Lord HAS kept us here through that but now I am ready to move on. I LOVE my house and I will probably cry for days and maybe more when it does sell, but when you know your life is heading a new direction, you kinda just wanna jump into it and get it started! That's how I feel right now. I hate that our first home won't belong to us anymore, but I am anxious to see where the Lord will take us now! He has always been so faithful and worked such amazing things in our lives that it makes me so excited when I know He is about to bring new things! He is SUCH a great gift-giver! I mean...His own life? How can you top that!?!?
Speaking of gift-giving, CHRISTMAS! I was watching veggie tales the other day....with my kids...yeah...with my kids...of course... :) and it was about Saint Nicholas. I got so excited to see them explaining the truth about Saint Nicholas. What a great man of God he was! I LOVE doing the whole Santa Claus thing with my kids (I know some people don't and that is fine, but for our family, we do) but I LOVED that the veggie tales episode was really bringing the reality and purpose of Saint Nicholas to the picture rather than just a fat bearded man in a red suit giving children presents from his flying sleigh. I mean, the fantasy part of it makes great for commercials and movies and all, but really, I want my kids to KNOW the great men and women of old who dedicated their lives to serving the same God we now serve and know that THAT is who Saint Nicholas is. He's not really my Nicholas's namesake, but having the same name as such a great man I do think is an honor and I loved watching that veggie tales bc now my Nicholas thinks he is Santa Claus because they have the same name. For a 2 year old, that is a great start to learning about the saints. My dad had a great idea that I really wanna put into practice and that is to teach my children about all the great saints while they are young. It is important for them to have role models that serve God rather than the "role models" the world wants to create for them. Of course, Jesus is always our ultimate role model, but the reason His Word shares about so many of the saints is bc He wants us to model after them in their service to Him. We all have unique callings on our lives and can idetify to different Bible characters as well as others throughout history who shook the world with the message of the Gospel! I want my children to know who they are in Christ while they are still young so that they can identify the calling the Lord has on their lives and begin walking in that calling immediately and that starts with the fundamentals liek teaching them the Word as well as providing those Godly examples for them to follow and identify with! Okay, so all of that from Veggie Tales? I think I am definitely going to start netflixing more of those movies! I had forgotten how great they are! Okay, it's too late now and I am working tomorrow so, if I don't get back by Christmas, then everyone have a MERRY CHRISTMAS! Bless someone outside of your friends and family this year! A random stranger, the waitress, Moses House Ministries...anyone, but SOMEONE you wouldn't have blessed before! Christ gave His life for THIS world! Honor Him by telling someone!
Donny went back to work today!!!! His company has been out of work since February with the exception of a couple of weeks here and there. We have been waiting "2-3 weeks" for his next job to start for 6 months now. Glad we can finally get back to some more normal routines again. It has been SOOOOO nice having him home all the time and just being able to be with the babies all the time but it is definitely time for him to be working again. He has been having really bad withdrawals particularly the last few weeks. It probably has a lot to do with us selling the house too though. We are having to really keep on top of keeping everything in order which, with 3 babies 2 years and under, is near impossible!
I thought I would celebrate the "getting back to normal" new life we started today by being all domestic and cooking dinner, which, if you know me in any way at all, you know that is NOT always a good thing. Donny likes to tell people that I can ruin Kraft Mac'n Cheese but what people usually don't know is that it actually is true. 2 times now (and Brant and Jess can attest to this as they were present both times) I have, in fact, ruined it. I still to this day have no idea what I did wrong! I SWEAR I did everything just like it says on the box. ??????? Anyways, so I really wanted to have dinner for him when he got home and since I LOOOOOOOOOVE chili, especially on a cold December evening, I decided to make chili. A professional googler, I decided since I don't have any cookbooks, I googled "best easy chili recipes" and came up with a list of chili recipes. I went with the one that said "blue ribbon winner" because....well....it was a BLUE RIBBON WINNER! So, it sounded really good and I had all but one ingredient but my friend (Cynthia) lives don the street and she had that ingredient and I thought....ahAHHHH, it's a sign from GOD, I am MEANT to make chili tonight! The recipe even called for THREE POUNDS of ground beef and I actually had that much! (which is unusual in this house! It was like oe of those , "God makes a way" kind of things! Maybe Jesus Himself was planning to come eat chili at my house because WOW! miracles are happening in preparation for this chili! (I DID end up burning part of the sauce but was able to save enough of it to make a smaller portion and everything was still good with it.)
So anyways, I make the chili and I thought it was so cool that it was one of those 4-hour recipes and thought I was really gonna impress by that alone! It smelled my house so amazingly and everything was perfect. (Oh! and if that isn't enough signs from God, the recipe also required CHOCOLATE!) so, with the Christmas play for church coming up, I had to leave to go to practice so I loaded the kids but Donny was on his way home so I unplugged the crock-pot and called him to tell him it should be good to go when he gets home.
I am telling people at practice about this amazing chili and am all excited to taste it when I get home! Play practice is over and I head home. Donny calls about half-way home and says, "did you use the 1-pound package of beef that was in the refrigerator?" "Yes I did," says I. "Well, that has been sitting in the refrigerator for about 4 weeks now. So it's gone bad. You can't eat that."
...let me warn you, everyone who will see me tomorrow...bad meat was not enough to stop me from eating it. We will see tomorrow how stupid of a decision that was.
So, now I am feeling a little nauseous but I think it's becaue I am typing this up. I mean, I used 2 pounds of good meat and only 1 pound of bad meat. I am hoping that all of those wonderful things truly WERE signs from God and that as His final miracle for my day, He made my spoiled meat good! :)
I must say, it was PHENOMENAL! Can't wait to eat it with good meat! I still count it a cooking success.
Anyways, please be praying for me and my family as we are still in the transition I mentioned last month. Finally people are starting to view our house so hopefully we will get it sold soon! We are safe now until after the holidays so I feel blessed that the Lord HAS kept us here through that but now I am ready to move on. I LOVE my house and I will probably cry for days and maybe more when it does sell, but when you know your life is heading a new direction, you kinda just wanna jump into it and get it started! That's how I feel right now. I hate that our first home won't belong to us anymore, but I am anxious to see where the Lord will take us now! He has always been so faithful and worked such amazing things in our lives that it makes me so excited when I know He is about to bring new things! He is SUCH a great gift-giver! I mean...His own life? How can you top that!?!?
Speaking of gift-giving, CHRISTMAS! I was watching veggie tales the other day....with my kids...yeah...with my kids...of course... :) and it was about Saint Nicholas. I got so excited to see them explaining the truth about Saint Nicholas. What a great man of God he was! I LOVE doing the whole Santa Claus thing with my kids (I know some people don't and that is fine, but for our family, we do) but I LOVED that the veggie tales episode was really bringing the reality and purpose of Saint Nicholas to the picture rather than just a fat bearded man in a red suit giving children presents from his flying sleigh. I mean, the fantasy part of it makes great for commercials and movies and all, but really, I want my kids to KNOW the great men and women of old who dedicated their lives to serving the same God we now serve and know that THAT is who Saint Nicholas is. He's not really my Nicholas's namesake, but having the same name as such a great man I do think is an honor and I loved watching that veggie tales bc now my Nicholas thinks he is Santa Claus because they have the same name. For a 2 year old, that is a great start to learning about the saints. My dad had a great idea that I really wanna put into practice and that is to teach my children about all the great saints while they are young. It is important for them to have role models that serve God rather than the "role models" the world wants to create for them. Of course, Jesus is always our ultimate role model, but the reason His Word shares about so many of the saints is bc He wants us to model after them in their service to Him. We all have unique callings on our lives and can idetify to different Bible characters as well as others throughout history who shook the world with the message of the Gospel! I want my children to know who they are in Christ while they are still young so that they can identify the calling the Lord has on their lives and begin walking in that calling immediately and that starts with the fundamentals liek teaching them the Word as well as providing those Godly examples for them to follow and identify with! Okay, so all of that from Veggie Tales? I think I am definitely going to start netflixing more of those movies! I had forgotten how great they are! Okay, it's too late now and I am working tomorrow so, if I don't get back by Christmas, then everyone have a MERRY CHRISTMAS! Bless someone outside of your friends and family this year! A random stranger, the waitress, Moses House Ministries...anyone, but SOMEONE you wouldn't have blessed before! Christ gave His life for THIS world! Honor Him by telling someone!
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