HOLY COW!!! 2 days in a row? Well, I can't find my journal and I wanted to document some things so this is the best way.
Last night I was putting babies to bed and I always lay belle down first so I carried her around for "night kissies". Donny kissed her then nick, then I hold her low for aubree to kiss her and belle quickly snapped her head away from aubree. Aubree immediately folded her arms and looked at me w a poochy-lipped scowl and said, "mommy, she's broken."
On the way home after working all day then about an hour and a half of running errands w the kids (I HATE errands!!!) they were all three arguing and screaming and driving me crazy so I, in my brilliant way, started asking them questions to try to focus their delirious energy in a quieter more constructive way. I asked who their best friends were (and corrected them any time they named anyone other than each other) and what they wanted for dinner. Then we began naming every person who has a "doggy". Ex: "does nana have a doggy?", "noooooo", "does yaya have a doggy?", "nooooo", "does Krystal have a doggy?", "YES!!!" and so on. Then after mentioning that memaw and papa have ten puppies, I asked if they wanted one. Aubree wanted a girl puppy and nick wanted a boy puppy. *duh* then I asked aubree what she wanted to name her puppy. "PINK!" nick argued, "no aubree! Your puppy doesn't have name 'Pink'". She whined, "that's my puppy Pink! She's a princess puppy!" Nicholas: "no aubree! You're puppy not a princess! Your puppy's a green!" aubree: "no nick nick! She's a pink princess"- now, as the argument was getting heated by this time, I had to interject, "it's ok nick nick. Aubree can have a pink princess puppy and u can have a green puppy." then aubree, in a high-pitched motherly voice said sweetly, "yeah... Is okay nick nick. Don't be sad. She can be a princess nick nick." then he resigned saying, "my puppy gween" then aubree in that same voice asked, "is your puppy green nick nick? Is your puppy green?" just love listening to my 2 year olds dialogue over these really important issues. Lawyers in the making. :)
And lastly:
This one actually happened thanksgiving day but I keep forgetting to write it down though I tell so many people. My kids and my sisters 4 kids (ages 4,3,2&1) were playing on the playground at my parents house while we sat nearby. Nicholas came running over to me and said (or "tattled" I should say) "mommy! Chloe (my 4 year old niece) told me NO!". Having no clue I said, "well? Go tell Chloe yes." he took off running over to her as I watched. She was on the tire swing and he runs up as close as he could, squares her in the eye and yells forcefully, "YES Chloe! YES!" then runs full speed back to me proud of himself and says, "I did it mommy! I told her yes!"
Ok, well I keep a journal of all the most precious things my kids say so hopefully I find that journal soon! I already have over 3 years of entries. *fingers crossed*
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
best chili ever!
I had written out a REALLY long post just now about some of my favorite Scriptures but I really need more time to truly be able to explain it so now I am all pumped about it and not going to post. I will soon though so do not let your curiosity bite you!
Donny went back to work today!!!! His company has been out of work since February with the exception of a couple of weeks here and there. We have been waiting "2-3 weeks" for his next job to start for 6 months now. Glad we can finally get back to some more normal routines again. It has been SOOOOO nice having him home all the time and just being able to be with the babies all the time but it is definitely time for him to be working again. He has been having really bad withdrawals particularly the last few weeks. It probably has a lot to do with us selling the house too though. We are having to really keep on top of keeping everything in order which, with 3 babies 2 years and under, is near impossible!
I thought I would celebrate the "getting back to normal" new life we started today by being all domestic and cooking dinner, which, if you know me in any way at all, you know that is NOT always a good thing. Donny likes to tell people that I can ruin Kraft Mac'n Cheese but what people usually don't know is that it actually is true. 2 times now (and Brant and Jess can attest to this as they were present both times) I have, in fact, ruined it. I still to this day have no idea what I did wrong! I SWEAR I did everything just like it says on the box. ??????? Anyways, so I really wanted to have dinner for him when he got home and since I LOOOOOOOOOVE chili, especially on a cold December evening, I decided to make chili. A professional googler, I decided since I don't have any cookbooks, I googled "best easy chili recipes" and came up with a list of chili recipes. I went with the one that said "blue ribbon winner" because....well....it was a BLUE RIBBON WINNER! So, it sounded really good and I had all but one ingredient but my friend (Cynthia) lives don the street and she had that ingredient and I thought....ahAHHHH, it's a sign from GOD, I am MEANT to make chili tonight! The recipe even called for THREE POUNDS of ground beef and I actually had that much! (which is unusual in this house! It was like oe of those , "God makes a way" kind of things! Maybe Jesus Himself was planning to come eat chili at my house because WOW! miracles are happening in preparation for this chili! (I DID end up burning part of the sauce but was able to save enough of it to make a smaller portion and everything was still good with it.)
So anyways, I make the chili and I thought it was so cool that it was one of those 4-hour recipes and thought I was really gonna impress by that alone! It smelled my house so amazingly and everything was perfect. (Oh! and if that isn't enough signs from God, the recipe also required CHOCOLATE!) so, with the Christmas play for church coming up, I had to leave to go to practice so I loaded the kids but Donny was on his way home so I unplugged the crock-pot and called him to tell him it should be good to go when he gets home.
I am telling people at practice about this amazing chili and am all excited to taste it when I get home! Play practice is over and I head home. Donny calls about half-way home and says, "did you use the 1-pound package of beef that was in the refrigerator?" "Yes I did," says I. "Well, that has been sitting in the refrigerator for about 4 weeks now. So it's gone bad. You can't eat that."
...let me warn you, everyone who will see me tomorrow...bad meat was not enough to stop me from eating it. We will see tomorrow how stupid of a decision that was.
So, now I am feeling a little nauseous but I think it's becaue I am typing this up. I mean, I used 2 pounds of good meat and only 1 pound of bad meat. I am hoping that all of those wonderful things truly WERE signs from God and that as His final miracle for my day, He made my spoiled meat good! :)
I must say, it was PHENOMENAL! Can't wait to eat it with good meat! I still count it a cooking success.
Anyways, please be praying for me and my family as we are still in the transition I mentioned last month. Finally people are starting to view our house so hopefully we will get it sold soon! We are safe now until after the holidays so I feel blessed that the Lord HAS kept us here through that but now I am ready to move on. I LOVE my house and I will probably cry for days and maybe more when it does sell, but when you know your life is heading a new direction, you kinda just wanna jump into it and get it started! That's how I feel right now. I hate that our first home won't belong to us anymore, but I am anxious to see where the Lord will take us now! He has always been so faithful and worked such amazing things in our lives that it makes me so excited when I know He is about to bring new things! He is SUCH a great gift-giver! I mean...His own life? How can you top that!?!?
Speaking of gift-giving, CHRISTMAS! I was watching veggie tales the other day....with my kids...yeah...with my kids...of course... :) and it was about Saint Nicholas. I got so excited to see them explaining the truth about Saint Nicholas. What a great man of God he was! I LOVE doing the whole Santa Claus thing with my kids (I know some people don't and that is fine, but for our family, we do) but I LOVED that the veggie tales episode was really bringing the reality and purpose of Saint Nicholas to the picture rather than just a fat bearded man in a red suit giving children presents from his flying sleigh. I mean, the fantasy part of it makes great for commercials and movies and all, but really, I want my kids to KNOW the great men and women of old who dedicated their lives to serving the same God we now serve and know that THAT is who Saint Nicholas is. He's not really my Nicholas's namesake, but having the same name as such a great man I do think is an honor and I loved watching that veggie tales bc now my Nicholas thinks he is Santa Claus because they have the same name. For a 2 year old, that is a great start to learning about the saints. My dad had a great idea that I really wanna put into practice and that is to teach my children about all the great saints while they are young. It is important for them to have role models that serve God rather than the "role models" the world wants to create for them. Of course, Jesus is always our ultimate role model, but the reason His Word shares about so many of the saints is bc He wants us to model after them in their service to Him. We all have unique callings on our lives and can idetify to different Bible characters as well as others throughout history who shook the world with the message of the Gospel! I want my children to know who they are in Christ while they are still young so that they can identify the calling the Lord has on their lives and begin walking in that calling immediately and that starts with the fundamentals liek teaching them the Word as well as providing those Godly examples for them to follow and identify with! Okay, so all of that from Veggie Tales? I think I am definitely going to start netflixing more of those movies! I had forgotten how great they are! Okay, it's too late now and I am working tomorrow so, if I don't get back by Christmas, then everyone have a MERRY CHRISTMAS! Bless someone outside of your friends and family this year! A random stranger, the waitress, Moses House Ministries...anyone, but SOMEONE you wouldn't have blessed before! Christ gave His life for THIS world! Honor Him by telling someone!
Donny went back to work today!!!! His company has been out of work since February with the exception of a couple of weeks here and there. We have been waiting "2-3 weeks" for his next job to start for 6 months now. Glad we can finally get back to some more normal routines again. It has been SOOOOO nice having him home all the time and just being able to be with the babies all the time but it is definitely time for him to be working again. He has been having really bad withdrawals particularly the last few weeks. It probably has a lot to do with us selling the house too though. We are having to really keep on top of keeping everything in order which, with 3 babies 2 years and under, is near impossible!
I thought I would celebrate the "getting back to normal" new life we started today by being all domestic and cooking dinner, which, if you know me in any way at all, you know that is NOT always a good thing. Donny likes to tell people that I can ruin Kraft Mac'n Cheese but what people usually don't know is that it actually is true. 2 times now (and Brant and Jess can attest to this as they were present both times) I have, in fact, ruined it. I still to this day have no idea what I did wrong! I SWEAR I did everything just like it says on the box. ??????? Anyways, so I really wanted to have dinner for him when he got home and since I LOOOOOOOOOVE chili, especially on a cold December evening, I decided to make chili. A professional googler, I decided since I don't have any cookbooks, I googled "best easy chili recipes" and came up with a list of chili recipes. I went with the one that said "blue ribbon winner" because....well....it was a BLUE RIBBON WINNER! So, it sounded really good and I had all but one ingredient but my friend (Cynthia) lives don the street and she had that ingredient and I thought....ahAHHHH, it's a sign from GOD, I am MEANT to make chili tonight! The recipe even called for THREE POUNDS of ground beef and I actually had that much! (which is unusual in this house! It was like oe of those , "God makes a way" kind of things! Maybe Jesus Himself was planning to come eat chili at my house because WOW! miracles are happening in preparation for this chili! (I DID end up burning part of the sauce but was able to save enough of it to make a smaller portion and everything was still good with it.)
So anyways, I make the chili and I thought it was so cool that it was one of those 4-hour recipes and thought I was really gonna impress by that alone! It smelled my house so amazingly and everything was perfect. (Oh! and if that isn't enough signs from God, the recipe also required CHOCOLATE!) so, with the Christmas play for church coming up, I had to leave to go to practice so I loaded the kids but Donny was on his way home so I unplugged the crock-pot and called him to tell him it should be good to go when he gets home.
I am telling people at practice about this amazing chili and am all excited to taste it when I get home! Play practice is over and I head home. Donny calls about half-way home and says, "did you use the 1-pound package of beef that was in the refrigerator?" "Yes I did," says I. "Well, that has been sitting in the refrigerator for about 4 weeks now. So it's gone bad. You can't eat that."
...let me warn you, everyone who will see me tomorrow...bad meat was not enough to stop me from eating it. We will see tomorrow how stupid of a decision that was.
So, now I am feeling a little nauseous but I think it's becaue I am typing this up. I mean, I used 2 pounds of good meat and only 1 pound of bad meat. I am hoping that all of those wonderful things truly WERE signs from God and that as His final miracle for my day, He made my spoiled meat good! :)
I must say, it was PHENOMENAL! Can't wait to eat it with good meat! I still count it a cooking success.
Anyways, please be praying for me and my family as we are still in the transition I mentioned last month. Finally people are starting to view our house so hopefully we will get it sold soon! We are safe now until after the holidays so I feel blessed that the Lord HAS kept us here through that but now I am ready to move on. I LOVE my house and I will probably cry for days and maybe more when it does sell, but when you know your life is heading a new direction, you kinda just wanna jump into it and get it started! That's how I feel right now. I hate that our first home won't belong to us anymore, but I am anxious to see where the Lord will take us now! He has always been so faithful and worked such amazing things in our lives that it makes me so excited when I know He is about to bring new things! He is SUCH a great gift-giver! I mean...His own life? How can you top that!?!?
Speaking of gift-giving, CHRISTMAS! I was watching veggie tales the other day....with my kids...yeah...with my kids...of course... :) and it was about Saint Nicholas. I got so excited to see them explaining the truth about Saint Nicholas. What a great man of God he was! I LOVE doing the whole Santa Claus thing with my kids (I know some people don't and that is fine, but for our family, we do) but I LOVED that the veggie tales episode was really bringing the reality and purpose of Saint Nicholas to the picture rather than just a fat bearded man in a red suit giving children presents from his flying sleigh. I mean, the fantasy part of it makes great for commercials and movies and all, but really, I want my kids to KNOW the great men and women of old who dedicated their lives to serving the same God we now serve and know that THAT is who Saint Nicholas is. He's not really my Nicholas's namesake, but having the same name as such a great man I do think is an honor and I loved watching that veggie tales bc now my Nicholas thinks he is Santa Claus because they have the same name. For a 2 year old, that is a great start to learning about the saints. My dad had a great idea that I really wanna put into practice and that is to teach my children about all the great saints while they are young. It is important for them to have role models that serve God rather than the "role models" the world wants to create for them. Of course, Jesus is always our ultimate role model, but the reason His Word shares about so many of the saints is bc He wants us to model after them in their service to Him. We all have unique callings on our lives and can idetify to different Bible characters as well as others throughout history who shook the world with the message of the Gospel! I want my children to know who they are in Christ while they are still young so that they can identify the calling the Lord has on their lives and begin walking in that calling immediately and that starts with the fundamentals liek teaching them the Word as well as providing those Godly examples for them to follow and identify with! Okay, so all of that from Veggie Tales? I think I am definitely going to start netflixing more of those movies! I had forgotten how great they are! Okay, it's too late now and I am working tomorrow so, if I don't get back by Christmas, then everyone have a MERRY CHRISTMAS! Bless someone outside of your friends and family this year! A random stranger, the waitress, Moses House Ministries...anyone, but SOMEONE you wouldn't have blessed before! Christ gave His life for THIS world! Honor Him by telling someone!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Oh Yeah!
Okay, so I knew I would not be very good at this...I did say so in my first post! I forgot until approximately 3 minutes ago that I was even a proud owner of a blog at all. I was simply captivated by one of my favorite blogs that I frequent- www.sewinginnomansland.com - (you all should check it out!) and thought to myself, I should start a blog like this one...oh YEAH!!! I already have one! So then after about 6 attempts at remembering both my account name and password, I cracked it and here I am once again!
So, I have not told many people simply because it is not anything and really nothing to tell but, now that it is over, I do feel a great sense of relief so I will share now! About 2 1/2 months ago we found a bulge on Nicholas' spine. It was soft and not attached to the spine that we could tell and at first we thought maybe Aubree had attacked his blind spot with a hammer or something but when after a week it had not gone away, we decided to just get it checked out to be sure. The nurse sent us to pediatrician, who sent us to x-ray, then back to ped., then to pediatric surgeon to ultrasound and back to surgeon once again. Okay, so that all was over the course of 2 months from appointment to appointment and everyone has to refer you to someone else. Hope nobody ever has to go through that many referrals ever again to learn that there is nothing at all wrong in any way! We are still waiting for the official final report, but based on the fact that the ultrasound tech we met with earlier today couldn't even tell if she was even taking pictures of anything and kept having me put the tip of my finger on the exact location of the bulge just so she could take the pictures of it...well, that just reassures me that it may just be that my baby got back-fat! So...here's to pointless (but still strangely important) appointments and wasted gas, but most of all...a healthy little boy!
So that in addition to the fact that all three of my babies are healthy is pretty much where we are now.
My husband has been out of work for many months now but now his company has just started the next job he will be running which will start soon. I remember the first weeks he was out of work I thought I was going to go CRAZY!!! His being home threw off all my routines with the kids, my schedule with work and baby sitters and just the simple daily things like cleaning house and going grocery shopping. I don't even know when my lifestyle changed but sometime between then and now it did and now, I am going crazy at the thought of him being back at work. I am not really sure how to function by myself all day now. I know I will somehow bc I did before, but things cross my mind such as, how will I go to the store with 3 kids? I know I did it before, but I just can't remember how I did it. Did the twins go in the back of the cart? Did I take the triple stroller? ...probably not since we never bought the car that fit the stroller. I know I never let them walk bc they were too young to stay beside me, but how did it happen? Maybe I always called my sister to come along as well. I do remember her being there with me some times. Was she there EVERY time? Well, she has a newborn now, I will have to find someone else. (keep your phones turned on Cheyenne and Hart girls!)- now they are defintiely going to block my number! The other thing I can't remember...my husband is the cook in our family. Not that it is ever hard to trump my cooking, but he is actually pretty phenomenal!! But I am having a hard time remembering how that worked when he was working. Did he seriously come home from long hard day at work to cook a gourmet meal for me and the babies? Did I ACTUALLY cook? I CAN cook some MEAN enchilada casserole, but I don't think we can eat that every day! OH! If any of you have some great EASY and cheap recipes, why don't you post them below! If you have seriously sat reading through all this mumbled ranting, then you can at least have some pity on me and send me those recipes. Not too many, my head gets overloaded easy when it's this late...10:43pm :)...just one recipe. Preferably chicken. None of those weird recipes like couscous (Jessica) or anything weird that I have to google just to figure out what section of the grocery store to find it in. Oh, and no pork. It's not a religious thing, it's my pickiness. (am I allowed to be picky when I am mooching off other people's cooking success?)
Ok, well, the point I initially set out to make above is that our life is at yet another pivot. Good thing I am the kind of person who always enjoys change, even the hard ones. I seriously feel like the only other thing that could possibly happen right now is finding out I'm pregnant. (don't go cazy there Nicole bc I'm NOT) It's just one of those seasons in life where God has you on this road that you think is heading in this particular direction and then suddenly, you realize you were never even on that continent! Everyone tells me that Joshua trees are only in the high desert and the promise land (ok, this really does link to what I was talking about before) and I thought, WOW! how cool is that!?! But then, I went to South Africa and while we were out on a safari, I saw Joshua trees!!! They were absolutely identical to our beloved desert trees! So life has been like this: I am out in the desert and I know it is either the mojave or the promise land bc the only indicators I have are Joshua trees, but then suddenly, I see elephants too! There are no elephants in the mojave Or the promise land!!! ...I'm in south africa! Do you get it? oh well. If you've been there, you get it. I just can't wait to see all these new things unfold that the Lord is bringing into our lives!
I really wanna go back to South africa now. Ok, so maybe one day I will actually be able to blog about something that is understandable. Tomorrow I imagine (if I remember I have a blog) I will re-read what I have just written and think...I don't get it. Til next time, whenever it may be!
So, I have not told many people simply because it is not anything and really nothing to tell but, now that it is over, I do feel a great sense of relief so I will share now! About 2 1/2 months ago we found a bulge on Nicholas' spine. It was soft and not attached to the spine that we could tell and at first we thought maybe Aubree had attacked his blind spot with a hammer or something but when after a week it had not gone away, we decided to just get it checked out to be sure. The nurse sent us to pediatrician, who sent us to x-ray, then back to ped., then to pediatric surgeon to ultrasound and back to surgeon once again. Okay, so that all was over the course of 2 months from appointment to appointment and everyone has to refer you to someone else. Hope nobody ever has to go through that many referrals ever again to learn that there is nothing at all wrong in any way! We are still waiting for the official final report, but based on the fact that the ultrasound tech we met with earlier today couldn't even tell if she was even taking pictures of anything and kept having me put the tip of my finger on the exact location of the bulge just so she could take the pictures of it...well, that just reassures me that it may just be that my baby got back-fat! So...here's to pointless (but still strangely important) appointments and wasted gas, but most of all...a healthy little boy!
So that in addition to the fact that all three of my babies are healthy is pretty much where we are now.
My husband has been out of work for many months now but now his company has just started the next job he will be running which will start soon. I remember the first weeks he was out of work I thought I was going to go CRAZY!!! His being home threw off all my routines with the kids, my schedule with work and baby sitters and just the simple daily things like cleaning house and going grocery shopping. I don't even know when my lifestyle changed but sometime between then and now it did and now, I am going crazy at the thought of him being back at work. I am not really sure how to function by myself all day now. I know I will somehow bc I did before, but things cross my mind such as, how will I go to the store with 3 kids? I know I did it before, but I just can't remember how I did it. Did the twins go in the back of the cart? Did I take the triple stroller? ...probably not since we never bought the car that fit the stroller. I know I never let them walk bc they were too young to stay beside me, but how did it happen? Maybe I always called my sister to come along as well. I do remember her being there with me some times. Was she there EVERY time? Well, she has a newborn now, I will have to find someone else. (keep your phones turned on Cheyenne and Hart girls!)- now they are defintiely going to block my number! The other thing I can't remember...my husband is the cook in our family. Not that it is ever hard to trump my cooking, but he is actually pretty phenomenal!! But I am having a hard time remembering how that worked when he was working. Did he seriously come home from long hard day at work to cook a gourmet meal for me and the babies? Did I ACTUALLY cook? I CAN cook some MEAN enchilada casserole, but I don't think we can eat that every day! OH! If any of you have some great EASY and cheap recipes, why don't you post them below! If you have seriously sat reading through all this mumbled ranting, then you can at least have some pity on me and send me those recipes. Not too many, my head gets overloaded easy when it's this late...10:43pm :)...just one recipe. Preferably chicken. None of those weird recipes like couscous (Jessica) or anything weird that I have to google just to figure out what section of the grocery store to find it in. Oh, and no pork. It's not a religious thing, it's my pickiness. (am I allowed to be picky when I am mooching off other people's cooking success?)
Ok, well, the point I initially set out to make above is that our life is at yet another pivot. Good thing I am the kind of person who always enjoys change, even the hard ones. I seriously feel like the only other thing that could possibly happen right now is finding out I'm pregnant. (don't go cazy there Nicole bc I'm NOT) It's just one of those seasons in life where God has you on this road that you think is heading in this particular direction and then suddenly, you realize you were never even on that continent! Everyone tells me that Joshua trees are only in the high desert and the promise land (ok, this really does link to what I was talking about before) and I thought, WOW! how cool is that!?! But then, I went to South Africa and while we were out on a safari, I saw Joshua trees!!! They were absolutely identical to our beloved desert trees! So life has been like this: I am out in the desert and I know it is either the mojave or the promise land bc the only indicators I have are Joshua trees, but then suddenly, I see elephants too! There are no elephants in the mojave Or the promise land!!! ...I'm in south africa! Do you get it? oh well. If you've been there, you get it. I just can't wait to see all these new things unfold that the Lord is bringing into our lives!
I really wanna go back to South africa now. Ok, so maybe one day I will actually be able to blog about something that is understandable. Tomorrow I imagine (if I remember I have a blog) I will re-read what I have just written and think...I don't get it. Til next time, whenever it may be!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Kids can be crazy!
Things happen daily that make me think, Oh, life with twins and today was one of those days. For starters, Aubree has been potty training for....hmmm....let's see....I think it's ummm, 16 months now??? :) Well, okay so that's kinda the thing. At 16 months, she started showing an interest in potty training (I think bc her cousin Chloe (2 years older than her) went "potty" and she wants to be like her) so we got a potty and started- not consistently, more just to get her used to it- taking her potty every once in a while. This was a GENIUS idea, or so I thought, bc I was due with their little sister 2 months later. Well, turns out that getting them used to the potty just makes it another "toy" in their life but really...what can ya do? I had 2 one year olds and was about to pop with another! I figured, oh, when they wanna go, they'll go. Well, for the last year that is pretty much how we have handled it and though they are not potty trained, they go occasionally and they do just fine...until recently. Aubree has decided that when she wants to go potty, she "want[s] Nick Nick to watch me". Oh my goodness! You would think having shared a womb, sharing beds, sharing toys, (some) clothes, carseats, bedrooms, birthdays, etc., a girl would want SOME space, but NO! She's gotta take the one most private and personal time she will ever have, and "share" it with her twin. Okay, but even more is that Nicholas likes to sit there and talk to her and wait for her to finish. Okay, gonna need some serious intervention here! Those 2 are so crazy!
So, speaking of sharing, my family is most giving during the cold/flu season. 2 rounds with Aubree, 2 with Belle and (thankfully) only 1 with Nicholas. You know how people always say that men are the worst sick people! A woman can be nearing her death bed she's so sick and you would never know bc she is still up taking care of kids, the house, making dinner, and just dealing with everything that must be dealt with even though she feels like c**p (that was kinda fun beeping that out) :) but then a man gets a little chest cold and hell shakes beneath our feet disrupting every aspect of life until he is better. (And of course most all wives have heard the, "yeah, but when I'M sick I'm REALLY sick" from them...bc when WE are sick, aparnetly we are not REALLY sick...ok, off track)
Well, here is a benefit to having boy and girl twins. I have them from birth to observe and study (and believe me, I HAVE) and so many things just stand out about the differences between boys and girls. For one, this sickness issue.
Exmple 1: Aubree is born, 1 minute later Nicholas. Approximately 1 hour later, Nicholas is taken into the NICU bc of too much fluid in his lungs and respiratory problems. Aubree sucks it up (literally) and deals with it for as long as possible even trying to fake her way to health until a VERY observant nurse just doesn't "get it" and sends her to the NICU where they discover that she has all the same problems as Nicholas, but they are even worse! (point 1: boys want to be pampered, girls would rather suck it up and take care of themselves!---PROVEN!)
Example 2: Twins are approximately 5 months old. Nicholas starts coughing, I realize he is sick. He wines and is gripey and snotty and cough-y all day long. We end up calling doctor who sets him up on a nebulizer with antibiotics. I get home and play with Aubree bc I feel bad she has been nearly ignored bc of Nickle's sickness. While playing, I realize she has a little snot too. I start watching her and realize that she quietly coughs every now and then and also has congestion sounds when she breathes. I felt horrible I had not noticed sooner that she was also sick. (point 2: boys will exaggerate their symptoms to get attention and sympathy, girls remain quiet and continue to do what is expected of them without complaint---PROVEN!)
Example 3: Aubree and Nicholas are approximately 18 months. Aubree is laying on the floor on her stomach watching a movie. Daddy tells Nicholas to sneak up on Aubree so he does...let me re-phrase...he runs full speed and JUMPS on top of her full force knocking his head into hers *BANG!*. They both immediately jump up grabbing their heads, Aubree looking at mommy with a horrified expression, Nicholas screaming and crying. I look at them both and say, "it's okay" and Aubree looks at me, calms down still holding her head and sits back down to watch her show while Nicholas, still screaming, comes to mommy crying, "MOMMY MY OUCHIE! KISS IT! MY OUCHIE!" I kiss it and he still cries another minute asking 2 more times for me to kiss it again before he quiets down then turns to me and says, "Aubree hit my ouchie!" (point 3: girls get pain, they process it, they deal with it, it's over...boys get pain, they complain about it, they show it off for the sake of sympathy, they ask for attention, they use it as an excuse and then they blame it on someone else!---PROVEN!)
So, obviously this is scientific so it should go into some science records book somewhere.
Every family has some sort of system of operations they automatically go by, usually it has something to do with seniority or something like that? Well, since seniority doesn't really work so well in the instance of twins, our family works a bit different. It all has more to do with humor here. This is cool bc it gives Annabelle an equal opportunity to be at the top of that system of operations (that sounded kind of official so I just wanted to use the phrase again- in fact, I think I'm gonna make it official....NOW! add that to the science record book---dang! gotta find a location for that book) anyways, so the last few days have not been her day at the top bc she has been teething as well as she is sick with a fever and all so...kinda been at the bottom. Anyways, today she got a bit of a start- I told Aubree that Annabelle's mouth was "ouchie" (she has a sore throat) so Aubree looked at Annabelle and opened her mouth wide and said , "Belle Belle, say 'AHHHHHHHH'" so Belle Belle complied and said, "AH!" and Aubree did it all again and Belle Belle complied again. Well, a giggling Aubree went for a third shot at it and said, "Belle Belle, say 'AHHHHHHHH'" and as soon as she did, Annabelle reached her fist up to aubree's mouth and shoved it full force right into Aubree's throat! **Take THAT Dr. Aubree!**** (she may not have SAID those words, but she meant every one of them!) :) ***Please note that no children were harmed during this***
Okay, so a long day in a long week in a VERY short year...how is that even possible?
So, speaking of sharing, my family is most giving during the cold/flu season. 2 rounds with Aubree, 2 with Belle and (thankfully) only 1 with Nicholas. You know how people always say that men are the worst sick people! A woman can be nearing her death bed she's so sick and you would never know bc she is still up taking care of kids, the house, making dinner, and just dealing with everything that must be dealt with even though she feels like c**p (that was kinda fun beeping that out) :) but then a man gets a little chest cold and hell shakes beneath our feet disrupting every aspect of life until he is better. (And of course most all wives have heard the, "yeah, but when I'M sick I'm REALLY sick" from them...bc when WE are sick, aparnetly we are not REALLY sick...ok, off track)
Well, here is a benefit to having boy and girl twins. I have them from birth to observe and study (and believe me, I HAVE) and so many things just stand out about the differences between boys and girls. For one, this sickness issue.
Exmple 1: Aubree is born, 1 minute later Nicholas. Approximately 1 hour later, Nicholas is taken into the NICU bc of too much fluid in his lungs and respiratory problems. Aubree sucks it up (literally) and deals with it for as long as possible even trying to fake her way to health until a VERY observant nurse just doesn't "get it" and sends her to the NICU where they discover that she has all the same problems as Nicholas, but they are even worse! (point 1: boys want to be pampered, girls would rather suck it up and take care of themselves!---PROVEN!)
Example 2: Twins are approximately 5 months old. Nicholas starts coughing, I realize he is sick. He wines and is gripey and snotty and cough-y all day long. We end up calling doctor who sets him up on a nebulizer with antibiotics. I get home and play with Aubree bc I feel bad she has been nearly ignored bc of Nickle's sickness. While playing, I realize she has a little snot too. I start watching her and realize that she quietly coughs every now and then and also has congestion sounds when she breathes. I felt horrible I had not noticed sooner that she was also sick. (point 2: boys will exaggerate their symptoms to get attention and sympathy, girls remain quiet and continue to do what is expected of them without complaint---PROVEN!)
Example 3: Aubree and Nicholas are approximately 18 months. Aubree is laying on the floor on her stomach watching a movie. Daddy tells Nicholas to sneak up on Aubree so he does...let me re-phrase...he runs full speed and JUMPS on top of her full force knocking his head into hers *BANG!*. They both immediately jump up grabbing their heads, Aubree looking at mommy with a horrified expression, Nicholas screaming and crying. I look at them both and say, "it's okay" and Aubree looks at me, calms down still holding her head and sits back down to watch her show while Nicholas, still screaming, comes to mommy crying, "MOMMY MY OUCHIE! KISS IT! MY OUCHIE!" I kiss it and he still cries another minute asking 2 more times for me to kiss it again before he quiets down then turns to me and says, "Aubree hit my ouchie!" (point 3: girls get pain, they process it, they deal with it, it's over...boys get pain, they complain about it, they show it off for the sake of sympathy, they ask for attention, they use it as an excuse and then they blame it on someone else!---PROVEN!)
So, obviously this is scientific so it should go into some science records book somewhere.
Every family has some sort of system of operations they automatically go by, usually it has something to do with seniority or something like that? Well, since seniority doesn't really work so well in the instance of twins, our family works a bit different. It all has more to do with humor here. This is cool bc it gives Annabelle an equal opportunity to be at the top of that system of operations (that sounded kind of official so I just wanted to use the phrase again- in fact, I think I'm gonna make it official....NOW! add that to the science record book---dang! gotta find a location for that book) anyways, so the last few days have not been her day at the top bc she has been teething as well as she is sick with a fever and all so...kinda been at the bottom. Anyways, today she got a bit of a start- I told Aubree that Annabelle's mouth was "ouchie" (she has a sore throat) so Aubree looked at Annabelle and opened her mouth wide and said , "Belle Belle, say 'AHHHHHHHH'" so Belle Belle complied and said, "AH!" and Aubree did it all again and Belle Belle complied again. Well, a giggling Aubree went for a third shot at it and said, "Belle Belle, say 'AHHHHHHHH'" and as soon as she did, Annabelle reached her fist up to aubree's mouth and shoved it full force right into Aubree's throat! **Take THAT Dr. Aubree!**** (she may not have SAID those words, but she meant every one of them!) :) ***Please note that no children were harmed during this***
Okay, so a long day in a long week in a VERY short year...how is that even possible?
New nephew!
So does a 4oz cup of applesauce, 8 grapes and a string cheese qualify as dinner? Think about it, you got your fruit, dairy and protein (if the cheese can double it's value there). Maybe I should eat a second string cheese so then I can count one as dairy and one as protein. Guess I'm still missing my whole grains and veggies though huh? Well, tomorrow I can just substitute baby carrots for the grapes. Amazing how similar the life of a bachelor is to a tired mom of 3! Messy house, inconsistent diet, loads of unfolded laundry on the sofa, 10 boxes of cereal in the cabinets.............
So, my sister is being induced tonight. She is almost 1 week overdue for my new nephew, Azariah Jacob, and I am ecstatic!!!
So, the nephew to Neice total:
Nephews- 5 Neices- 1 1/2 (Kara due January) TBA- 1 (Krystal due April)
Maximus Ezekiel Jones (3) Chloe Breeanne Jones (4)
Titus Brant Jones (2) Raelin (Noelle?) Howard (-3mo)
Elijah Samuel Rees (2)
Justus Alexander Jones (1)
Azariah Jacob Aguilera(-1 day)
Can't wait to meet my beautiful nephew!
So, my sister is being induced tonight. She is almost 1 week overdue for my new nephew, Azariah Jacob, and I am ecstatic!!!
So, the nephew to Neice total:
Nephews- 5 Neices- 1 1/2 (Kara due January) TBA- 1 (Krystal due April)
Maximus Ezekiel Jones (3) Chloe Breeanne Jones (4)
Titus Brant Jones (2) Raelin (Noelle?) Howard (-3mo)
Elijah Samuel Rees (2)
Justus Alexander Jones (1)
Azariah Jacob Aguilera(-1 day)
Can't wait to meet my beautiful nephew!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Funny things my hunny says
Favorite thing my husband said today:
"Why would ANYONE buy $1,000 shoes? Who spends $1,000 on shoes? I'd rather buy 2 iPad's and ducktape them to my feet! Then my feet can facetime each other, 'Hello left foot!', 'Hello right foot'!"
"Why would ANYONE buy $1,000 shoes? Who spends $1,000 on shoes? I'd rather buy 2 iPad's and ducktape them to my feet! Then my feet can facetime each other, 'Hello left foot!', 'Hello right foot'!"
Friday, September 30, 2011
Meet My Kids!
Meet Aubree Faith!!!
My beautiful princess, blonde hair and green/gray eyes. (strange) and the oldest (by 1 minute) Wetzel baby.
Aubree has always been the lively, bubbly and energetic one. She did everything MUCH sooner than her twin brother. She was rolling over at 4 months and crawling at 6 months and always motivated and on the run. She continues being that little bubble of energy now at 2 1/2 years and I don't imagine her slowing down any time in the near (or distant) future!
Aubree was born on February 10, 2009 at 5:51pm. Although she was a twin AND 4 weeks early, she was still a whopping 6lb 5 oz and 19.5" long. Even though she was only 4 weeks early, she still spent 10 days in the NICU with her brother. Initially she had many more complications than her brother, but ever the fighter, she quickly improved so much that we thought we might end up taking her home before her brother was able to come with us. (Luckily, they ended up being released the same day) She has always LOVED her "Nick-Nick" even before she was able to move or talk. When they were only a few months old, she would always end up laying on TOP of him and laughing at him and hitting him in the face as he cried and cried. She just always has enjoyed being right with him. Even now, if he goes somewhere without her or visa versa, she constantly asks and cries for him. He is her BEST friend! It is pretty amazing the attachment she has to him actually because of all my kids, she is definitely the most independent as far as she prefers to be left to do things herself. She won' even let me help her get dressed most of the time because she wants to "do by myself". She likes to do things that make her feel like a "big girl". She is always making a mess of herslef too. She is definitely no sidelines girl, she is the one in the middle of the action. She is not ver coordinated yet though so right now it is just more fun to watch her try but failure does NOT get this one down! Aubree is the girl who tries and tries and tries until she succeeds and she has fun the whole time. She likes to figure things out herself and if it's wrong and I try to help her, she backs away from me and says, "I do by mysef" and she will stop for a momen then get right back at it until she firgures it out. I LOVE her persistence! Aubree also has a very sweet temperament too. People always think she is probably my "difficult child" because of how busy she always is and hyper and all, but she is actually my easiest child BY FAR because she has such a sensitivity to her. She does NOT like to get in trouble. While her brother will test boundaries at times, Aubree is the one who, the moment she sees you coming in, she will panic for fear of getting disciplined. She is very sweet and likes to love on you when she is upset. She also has an OBSSESSION with her older (by 2 years) cousin, Chloe. If I ever can't get her to do or wear something, all I have to say is, "[this] is like Chloe" and immediately she is on it! I love my little spirited princess. Her "princess match" (because I come from a family of mostly girls and it is IMPERATIVE that all the girls have a "princess match") is Rapunzel bc they are both the freckle-faced blondes but I love that she really is the Tangled version of Rapunzel in that she is quite awkward and clumsy but beautiful and spirited and fun! She is such a moma's girl too! (that's my FAVORITE part!)
Next...meet the MAN! Nicholas William
Nicholas, Nickle Pickle, Nick-Nick...but if you call him "Nickle Pickle" he will say, "no! Nick Nick" or "No! Nicholas!" This handsome guy might be a bit shy, but don't let that fool you, this man is POWER!
Nicholas is my 2nd-born (by 1 minute) but there is a reason he came AFTER his sister...that's because he was building for his grand entrance. He didn't want anyone coming after him because he wanted to be the last one you saw and, therefore, remember most!
Born at 5:52pm o February 10, 2009 at a whopping 6lb15oz, Nicholas was very quiet and shy as a baby and still has a lot of those reserved mannerisms but he is truly become one of the smartest toddlers many people say they have met. He is a very observant and intellectual kid. It's crazy the process of thought I can see he has. His twin sister is very smart as well but there is something different and unique about the way Nicholas' mind works. He processes things the way an adult does as far as being able to deduce and reason and I have NO IDEA how he can do it. I never thought such young children were even capable of doing stuff like that. He plays computer/phone/iPad games but not just like playing around on them, he actually WINS most complicated games. His memory is AMAZING! If you show him something once, he will never forget it. It seems constantly Aubree is coming to me for help with something and I always say, "go ask Nicholas to help you" and he immediately goes and does whatever she needs (tv channels turned to her show, phone unlocked and game pulled up, breaking through locks, etc). He can remember lock patterns and number patterns even though he can't count past 17 (yeah I know, it's kinda random number but he just loses interest around there) :) and he likes to make stacks and can figure out how to balance off-shaped items in ways I even sometimes have troubles with. There is another side to this amazing mind...he is STUBBORN! Oh! Goodness! I knew it would come back to me. If I heard it once I've heard it a thousand times..."he's just like his momma". Yes! This boy may be smart and may be shy, but he knows EXACTLY what he wants and he will WORK you until he gets it...THANK YOU JESUS You have given him a momma who is MORE stubborn than he is and will see to it that his stubbornness does not rule the house but this boy has no idea how close he is to out-lasting me sometimes! :) (and he will never know)
Nicholas is the man of the house when daddy's out but when daddy is in, he is right under daddy's wing every step. Since the moment he was born he has been nothing more than he has been a daddy's boy. -no matter how much I tried to get my momma's boy, it was never meant to be! His daddy just soaks it up too. Before I was able to go into the NICU to see them, my mom and husband went in there and came back to tell me about them and my mom said that they were standing around and my mom was talking sweetly to Nicholas and he just laid there but then his daddy came over and said something and immediately Nicholas's face turned towards Donny, his hazy newborn eyes searching out the familar voice. That is the story of NickNick's life now.
And then of course, Annabelle Jayde!!!!
Let's just look at her for a minute........how can you stop smiling at this one? My baby!
You look at these pictures and think to yourself...aw! She seems like a sweet little soft most squeezable little baby, right? WRONG! I wouldn't try that if I were you. :) She may be a baby doll on the outside, but this little girl will NOT sit there like a portrait to be stared at and "oooohed and aaahhhhed" over. She is a feisty little tank who works to sucker her victims in with her pretty long-lash-lined green eyes, her pitiful little stare then she will get whatever she wants!
Tread carefully with this one. She didn't come 18months after TWINS for no reason! (and she wasn't a NINE POUND baby for nothing!) She was sent on a mission from God! On August 18, 2010, our surprise 9lb, 20" baby, BelleBelle (as the twins began calling her in the womb and she remains BelleBelle even now) came sweetly and quietly into our lives making us believe that all those who said "you'll have your hands full" didn't know what they were talking about. The girl hardly did ANYTHING but sleep and smile and I think she even winked at me on occasion as if saying, "I got this, I'll take care of you mom". Well......let's skip ahead! 6 teeth came in at about 5 months (CRAZY since my other 2 didn't even cut their first tooth til after 10 months and only had 2 teeth until they were about 13 months) and started rolling over at 2...Yes! TWO months old and crawling...okay, she crawled at 6 months, so that's not so out of the ordinary, and walking at 10 months, so that's early but not unusually, but HEY! You just gotta know this little spit-fire to know! Annabelle is whatever every 18-months-younger-than-my-twin-siblings is gonna have to be to survive! From the day she was born, the thing I get told most is, "WOW! She is BEAUTIFUL!" She has such a soft and just PRETTY face and always a smile on it, even when she cries. Kinda sad when I just smile at her tears because I have never seen a more beautiful crying face. BelleBelle is going to be my tall (she is quite a lengthy child) sophisticated and elegant beauty. She has a little bit of a stubborn streak herself (nothing like her big brother's thank goodness) but in such a way that if she has something and, say AUBREE, takes it away from her, she will look at Aubree and yell at her. If Aubree gives it right back to her, she will not take it, rather, she will follow Aubree around the room yelling at her and then come to me with a pitiful devastated cry as if she had tried to "talk it over" with Aubree and correct Aubree's misbehavior and Aubree wouldn't listen. It's so funny to watch her interact with her older brother and sister. I don't think it even occurs to her that they don't understand what she is saying, or for that matter, that she isn't even as big as they are. This little one is going to be my little "boss". Aubree is a strong personality but has never been very bossy, although she likes people to play what she is playing, she is always willing to play what others want to play...Nicholas is always the child playing on his own by his own choice, if others come to play with him, he sometimes will get up an leave to be on his own...but ANNABELLE, she is the one who COMMANDS attention and is going to make sure they hear her and OBEY! :) She will be the one calling the shots!
***EDIT 4/24/12--- So much has changed I see since I wrote this! Reading it I am thinking, Annabelle was like that??? I mean, most of it is still the same but now, at 20 months I am thinking back and realizing what a good thing I wrote this because she has changed o much that I didn't even remember soe of these things until I just read it. For instance, her face "always a smile on it"??? Haha! the thing all our close friends and family know most about Belle is that she is the "serious" girl. She always has a straight face and is constantly giving everyone a very judgemental scowl and furrowing her brow with a puckered frown. My mom says I was the exact same way when I was little. Never smiled and just always serious. It cracks me up! When she does smile and laugh, it is the sweetest cutest thing ever but typically, even when she is happy, she just has a serious face. She will intentionally jold it too. If you try to make her smile she will stare at you intently and occasionally slightly almost lose her composure with the hint of a smile but then reinforce the frown with a deeper one. Anyways, just wanted to mention the change inthe last 7 months***
So these are my amazing little angels and a little bit into their personalities! I am amazed every day at how creative and wonderful my Lord is and how it shows through my little babies. How can 3 babies with the very same parents growing up in the same place at the same time with all the same influences around them turn out so different (in appearance AND personality)! Not only that, but they all fit so perfectly together so stretegically that only He could have masterminded such a perfect blend. Had we stopped after the twins and not had Belle, we would not have had our little bubbly and lively decision-maker and had eaither of the twins not come then the other would never have turned out the way they are.
Oh, and btw, please forgive all the ridiculous typos everywhere! It's REALLY late and this is the first blog I've ever written. :)
I have never blogged, not even attempted. I like reading others' blogs, particularly those about sewing and crafting. But, here I am with my own blogger account typing away.
Over the years I have had many people suggest that I blog. With 3 kids, 2 of whom are twins, it seems there are endless stories I am always sharing and they typically seem to be enjoyed by many friends and family.
If for no other reason, perhaps this will just be a good way for me to just simply keep track of the daily happenings in my crazy lovely little family. Well, for anyone who does not know me, I am Destiny. (As I said before, most all the blogs I read are instructional so I am not really sure what I am supposed to write about so for this one, I will just write all the important things about me) :)
Well, the first and most important thing about me and in my life is my relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I was born summer of '85 and while I was still a toddler, my dad became a Pastor and he has been a Pastor ever since. When I was 7 years old, while laying on my top bunk bed one night, my dad led me to my precious and wonderful Lord! That was and still is the most wonderful and amazing day of my entire life! I have a sister 2 years older than me, Jessica, a sister 2 years younger than me, Olivia and a brother 3 years younger than me, Zachary. We are all extraordinarily close and always have been. Three weeks after I turned 16, my family moved across the country to the desert of Southern California where my mom and dad were commissioned by the Lord to pastor a church. Faith Community, later renamed The GATE Church of the High Desert, became our beloved church and family and still is to this day.
I came to California a Junior in high school and graduated from a Christian school. After graduating, I attended a local Junior college with plans switching back and forth between nursing and teaching. (even now, 7 years later, I am still undecided!) :) At the age of 19, I became friends with a girl at work, Krystal, and that friendship quickly proved to be strategic workings of God. Krystal's older brother had, 2 Christmas' prior, been set up with my older sister UNSUCCESSFULLY. Well, within months of the start of mine and Krystal's friendship, her very shy and very tall older brother, Donny, and I hit it off. Our first date was the day before Thanksgiving where he took me to Youth group at his church (where he was a leader) and then to Olive Garden for a very awkward dinner and then to see "Just Friends" (ironic) at the movies! Less than 9 months later (on August 12, 2006), I was walking down the aisle in a beautiful Cinderella gown!
In June 2008, Donny and I got the wonderful news that we would be having a baby! We were ecstatic! Then, on August 8, 2008 (8/8/08) we went to our first ultrasound appointment. My doctor had the monitor faced towards him when I saw him smile strangely and say, "hmmm...interesting." I asked, "Is everything okay?" He looked at his smiling nurse and said, "Yes. ...VERY good actually." Then Donny said sarcastically, "Well, as long as there's not 2 or 3 in there we're good." Dr. Tsai and his nurse both giggled and he turned the monitor around to us pointing at it and said, "Well????...there's one...and there's the other." I think me and Donny neither one stopped smiling the rest of the day. The next 6 months were so surreal! It was hard to believe that we were going to be having TWO babies! Luckily we had just went into escrow on our first house! Aubree Faith (6lb5oz) was born at 5:51pm on February 10, 2009 and Nicholas William (6lb15oz) came 1 minute later.
When Aubree and Nicholas were 10 months old...well, long story but Nicholas got "rubella" (or so the doctors diagnosed him) and bc it is so dangerous to pregnant women, their pediatrician suggested I take a pregnancy test "just to be sure" so I did and low and behold...it was POSITIVE! The news came on Donny's 27th birthday and, though it was not exactly the present he had hoped for, Annabelle Jayde, born at 9 pounds and born August 18, 2010 is one of the three best gifts we have EVER been given! (guess what the other 2 were!) ;)
In the beginning of 2011, the Lord really began doing a work in mine and Donny's lives and really stretching and pulling and changing our lives in preparation for the ministry He has called us to. We are still in the process of change and stretching but here we are now, 5 years of marriage with 2 2-year olds and a 1-year old seeking our Lord and living to fulfill His purpose and plans for our lives!
I now have a hobby/side job of making children's clothing and accessories. I developed a passion for sewing when I was in High School and my mom taught me how to sew. Now that I have 2 beautiful little girls, I have new motivation to contiue on with that passion.
Okay, so that is me so now when anyone reads my blog, hopefully this will let you know where I come from and what I am about.
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