Monday, January 4, 2016

A Preemie Poem

Inspired by my sweet Jaxon Jeremiah. Born 13 weeks sooner than planned, but exactly on time.
Dedicated to every preemie NICU baby. The moment you were born, the entire world got a little bit better.

What a joy it was when we found
That Heaven was blessing this earth
With a bundle of joy, be it girl? Be it boy?
We anxiously awaited your birth.

But all would not come as expected
For destiny had her own plan
First grief and the tears, troubled news bringing fears
This is where your long journey began

There was nothing that really prepared us
For what we soon would see
Clinging to hope, really trying to cope
With not knowing for sure what would be

Much too soon your day came
For the world to look on your sweet face
Many tears shed, for the rough days ahead
All the stars falling out of their place

Your voice, your melodious cry
(Though my world all around full of fear)
So fully consumed every thought where it loomed
For t'was all that I wanted to hear

When first my gaze rested upon you
Passed the tubes and the wires I could see
The Lord, so intently, a fighter He sent me
A miracle I knew you would be

Were it hours or days, weeks or months
Uncountable times that I cried.
Clinging and praying, my hope often swaying
But always right there by your side.

Your strength every day so astounding
Through the darkness we always saw
Your eyes full of light and shining so bright
Fill the world with wonder and awe!