Sunday, October 6, 2013

What's in a name...

As we are at the 1-year mark for all of the pregnancy complications with my preemie, Jaxon, I have been spending a lot of time reflecting on that experience and how it has changed my life so I will probably be posting primarily about all of that. If you are new to my blog, you can read my previous posts to find out more about our little man by clicking on the PPROM/NICU tab above but for a brief general overview: Jaxon is our fourth child. He was born 13 weeks premature after my water broke at 19 weeks, I was admitted to the hospital at 23 weeks, 6 days and I had placenta abruption at 25 weeks as well as gestational diabetes and PUPPS and then at 27 weeks I developed sepsis and delivered him via emergency c section. He spent 3 months in the nicu and is now 10 1/2 months old. Ok, now that you know that, the rest of my post should make better sense o you. :)

(Jaxon with his daddy at about 2 weeks old)

(Jaxon at around 10 days old in between his 2nd and 3rd intubations)

When I first went into labor with Jaxon at 23 weeks, 6 days, we did not have a middle name for him. In fact, we had only a week or two before decided on his first name. As I layed in my hosptal bed trying to get some rest as the doctor ordered, I began to toss and turn because I was so worried about the possibilities, so I did what I always do when I'm going through anything. I began to write. We did not know earlier that day that I would be admitted to the hospital so I did not have any of my things with me, but I did have my phone. I opened up the Notes app on my phone and began typing away. I had my Bible app and began reading and just really searching and asking the Lord to show me the purpose of this situation. I didn't question His ways or intentions for the things I didn't understand and I didn't ask "why me?", but I did tell Him that I needed His peace to hold my hand. The only way to find that peace was to understand how purpose can be revealed in such a seemingly dark situation. He never does anything without a reason. I needed to know how to seek Him in my situation. I needed the strength to step out in faith and remember that I can trust Him in everything! I found that strength. Right there in my hospital bed, bed pan on the counter next to me, IVs in my arm, right there in that room I found Him holding on to me. I felt His arms around me squeezing me, I saw His tears falling every time Jaxon had a heart decell on the monitor. He took no pleasure in my pain and He never rolled His eyes at me as if to say, "just get over it. I always take care of you, don't you get it by now?" He never said that. He just allowed me to grieve my situation and to feel my fears. I know it sounds strange to think that God allowed me to feel my fear, but He did. It was what I needed at that moment. I needed to feel the fear. It wasn't the fear of not trusting Him or wanting something different for my life. It was the fear that comes with loving someone so much! I loved my Jaxon with a fierce and unconditional love and I loved my Lord, my Savior, my Healer even so much more! I was not willing to let go of my love and trust in the Lord but in that, I had to accept that I did not know His plans for my Jaxon and because of that, I had to accept that I may have to lose that other secondary yet still so powerful love, my son. It was a fear of going through something that far exceeded any trial I had ever endured and not knowing if I had the strength to endure it. It was the fear of knowing that I did NOT have that much strength and knowing that because I did not, I would be solely and fully dependent on the Lord's strength because it was the only infinite source of strength in the universe. The only strength that would not fail. When I woke up the next morning (or I think it was morning, I did not have a window so all my days and nights ran ogether at that time) I opened my Bible app once again and I intended to look up the exact words for the verse Jeremiah 29:11, however, I had a temporary mental block and was thinking it was chapter 1. That brought me to another verse that is also familiar, Jeremiah 1:5. I read through the first 5 verses of chapter 1 and when I got to the end of verse 5, my face was soaked with tears. (here is the link to the post I typed out on my phone at that moment: Jaxon Jeremiah Wetzel ) I stopped and texted my husband very simply "Jaxon Jeremiah" and he wrote back immediately, "YES! I like it!" And from that moment, he was Jaxon Jeremiah. I then continued reading through the rest of the chapter and the more I read, the more peace began to fill me. I still did not know how Jaxon's story would go and even thought there was a good possibility it might end soon, but even at that thought, I had such peace and just knew that I was ready for what was to come no matter what it was. I knew that if our miracle looked like what we hoped it would look like, then all would be well but I also knew that if it didn't, if the road the Lord would have us travel was not one we would have ever wanted or even considered, then He would be my strength and He would be my comfort. I knew I was ready to continue on and take each day as it came but also knowing that whatever the possibilities, I was ready to accept it with joy. I know that sounds so hard and almost impossible, but such is the greatness of my God! Nothing is impossible with Him! Not even a mother's peace and joy in the midst of an impossible trial. I remember several times every single day for my month in the hospital people would say that they can't believe how calm and at peace I was. Even the nurses would look at me as if they wanted to remind me what a dire situation we were in. And that's not to say I was blissful and laughing and as happy as the ending of a Christmas movie, that's not it at all. I cried every day. I struggled with other things every day such as pains and a horrible rash on top of devastating news seemingly every day, but inside I had such a joy and peace that even through the tears, I knew I was blessed every moment. And I wasn't just settling for the cliche "every day is a gift/blessing". No, not like that. I TRULY LEGITIMATELY felt BLESSED that the Lord looked down and saw me and my family and desired a deeper purpose in our lives so much that He broke my water prematurely. That is seriously the way I saw it and still see it. How amazing that the Creator of all things would even know me and then, beyond that even, to choose me for such a thing! That the world had never even seen Jaxon's face, yet the One who carved the mountains and sprinkled the universe with color. KNEW him! CALLED him! CHOSE him! WOW! Who can know His ways? I feel like all of creation is a tapestry and through this experience, we have found our threads in that tapestry! 

Me on my hospital bedrest

Jaxon at 9 months old at home

 Jaxon at about 7 months at home

Jaxon at 9 1/2 months at home