So...why am I on bedrest you ask? Well, this little stinker (who is a BOY by the way!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY ME!!!) is not telling us! I have had some internal complications (nothing too crazy, minor but enough to take notice and be careful) that cannot be pinpointed doctor who thinks a woman pregnant with multiples should do manual labor until she goes into birthing labor has said that it is the best idea. If I were a little bit more of a paranoid girl then I would probably be stressing out about it right now, but I think my cortisol levels are abnormal because I just can't seem to bring myself around to stressing about things. No really, I tried. I kinda thought, hmmmm....maybe I can get some attention from this but then my husband and mom kinda took over so much that I am constantly reassuring them that I "promise I am fine". Maybe that's why God makes us to be concerned for other people. Because when someone else is concerned about you, you more just wanna ease their minds or else you'll be concerned about them being concerned about you so you play things off and, well, let them be. (I hate when that phrase comes to mind because the song always inevitably follows) Anyways, I'm not even sure how people started finding out but they did so if you are on my facebook, you have probably been seeing my "updates" the last week bc suddenly people started mesaging me asking how everything was. I'm not gonna lie, it was kinda fun seeing all the people who very much wanted to know about me! :) Ok, so this is not actually what I came on here to write about but...did I even finish that? Sorry! My kids keep distracting me with "kiss my hand mama"(-Belle). I can't NOT kiss it! Anyways, ok so to wrap up this story, Thursday was admitted to L&D (labor and delivery) and monitroed, sent home on bedrest, problems continued but started lightening up after a week, went to my dr and sent home and moderate bedrest for another week until I meet with a perinatologist who will then tell me everything is fine and there was never a real problem to begin with. (I am already guessing that is how this story will conclude) onto some more interesting things (well, "different" things at least! haha!)
I'm so very much loving autumn! As always. Well, as I said before, we found out like a month ago or something that we are having a BOY!!! YAY ME! (I can't help it. I'm so excited) so 2 and 2. I must say I am not too eager for this little guy to get here like I was with the other 3. I am enjoying all my "last time" experiences with this pregnancy. The other day my sister came over to help me sort through all the girl clothes and get rid of everything the girls are grown out of (Annabelle is now in a 3T!!! Same size as Aubree. It's crazy!) So we were getting rid of it all but there were several little cute things that I remembered on the girls that was so hard to get rid of because in my head I thought, "I will never see this again" and "I will never have another baby girl to dress up". So there will be a lot of pressure on this little boy because not only will he be the "last boy" experience, but he will be the LAST BABY experience! Oh! Can't think about that right now. It's crazy how you dream your whole life about what your family will one day look like and now I know! It will look like Donny, Aubree, Nicholas, Annabelle and Jaxon. The rest of our lives it is US! I mean, I LOVE it and I think it's absolutely perfect, but it's just crazy that it closes that "unknown" part of life. I am glad I got the baby sorting done though bc as we are busting out the seams of this house already, we REALLY gotta down-size our stuff. We don't have that much but then we do. As of now the baby is going to have his bed in our living room and that is just not cool so hopefully we will have a yard sale soon. :) Although we are "cleaning out" a lot, we did add 1 thing. We got a puppy a few weeks ago! His name is Rocco! He is a CHUG! Yes, it is actually an official name. Chihuahua and pug. His sister was adopted by my sister and her family the week before we got him and we had already been talking to the kids about getting them a puppy so we did. He is about the length of my foot (which, granted, is pretty long...but still) and about 8 inches to the top of his head but the twins are PETRIFIED of him! It's kinda funny really. They run and scream and they absolutely do NOT like him. It's enough that we would have gotten rid of him and still consider it sometimes but something keeps us from doing so and this is what that "something" is:
And she is obssessed with that poor little creature! I think she thinks he is a stuffed animal bc she just holds him and doesn't put him down. When he tries to run from her, she presses his back to the floor so he can't move his legs until she can scoop him up. (sometimes by the neck, but we're working on it!) :) So, the last time we got a pug we only had her for 4 days, this time we have passed that record so now we are working to pass our "first dog" record which was 8 months. So far, so good. We still like him.
Donny loves dogs and I really do too