Meet Aubree Faith!!!
My beautiful princess, blonde hair and green/gray eyes. (strange) and the oldest (by 1 minute) Wetzel baby.
Aubree has always been the lively, bubbly and energetic one. She did everything MUCH sooner than her twin brother. She was rolling over at 4 months and crawling at 6 months and always motivated and on the run. She continues being that little bubble of energy now at 2 1/2 years and I don't imagine her slowing down any time in the near (or distant) future!
Aubree was born on February 10, 2009 at 5:51pm. Although she was a twin AND 4 weeks early, she was still a whopping 6lb 5 oz and 19.5" long. Even though she was only 4 weeks early, she still spent 10 days in the NICU with her brother. Initially she had many more complications than her brother, but ever the fighter, she quickly improved so much that we thought we might end up taking her home before her brother was able to come with us. (Luckily, they ended up being released the same day) She has always LOVED her "Nick-Nick" even before she was able to move or talk. When they were only a few months old, she would always end up laying on TOP of him and laughing at him and hitting him in the face as he cried and cried. She just always has enjoyed being right with him. Even now, if he goes somewhere without her or visa versa, she constantly asks and cries for him. He is her BEST friend! It is pretty amazing the attachment she has to him actually because of all my kids, she is definitely the most independent as far as she prefers to be left to do things herself. She won' even let me help her get dressed most of the time because she wants to "do by myself". She likes to do things that make her feel like a "big girl". She is always making a mess of herslef too. She is definitely no sidelines girl, she is the one in the middle of the action. She is not ver coordinated yet though so right now it is just more fun to watch her try but failure does NOT get this one down! Aubree is the girl who tries and tries and tries until she succeeds and she has fun the whole time. She likes to figure things out herself and if it's wrong and I try to help her, she backs away from me and says, "I do by mysef" and she will stop for a momen then get right back at it until she firgures it out. I LOVE her persistence! Aubree also has a very sweet temperament too. People always think she is probably my "difficult child" because of how busy she always is and hyper and all, but she is actually my easiest child BY FAR because she has such a sensitivity to her. She does NOT like to get in trouble. While her brother will test boundaries at times, Aubree is the one who, the moment she sees you coming in, she will panic for fear of getting disciplined. She is very sweet and likes to love on you when she is upset. She also has an OBSSESSION with her older (by 2 years) cousin, Chloe. If I ever can't get her to do or wear something, all I have to say is, "[this] is like Chloe" and immediately she is on it! I love my little spirited princess. Her "princess match" (because I come from a family of mostly girls and it is IMPERATIVE that all the girls have a "princess match") is Rapunzel bc they are both the freckle-faced blondes but I love that she really is the Tangled version of Rapunzel in that she is quite awkward and clumsy but beautiful and spirited and fun! She is such a moma's girl too! (that's my FAVORITE part!) the MAN! Nicholas William
Nicholas, Nickle Pickle, Nick-Nick...but if you call him "Nickle Pickle" he will say, "no! Nick Nick" or "No! Nicholas!" This handsome guy might be a bit shy, but don't let that fool you, this man is POWER!
Nicholas is my 2nd-born (by 1 minute) but there is a reason he came AFTER his sister...that's because he was building for his grand entrance. He didn't want anyone coming after him because he wanted to be the last one you saw and, therefore, remember most!
Born at 5:52pm o February 10, 2009 at a whopping 6lb15oz, Nicholas was very quiet and shy as a baby and still has a lot of those reserved mannerisms but he is truly become one of the smartest toddlers many people say they have met. He is a very observant and intellectual kid. It's crazy the process of thought I can see he has. His twin sister is very smart as well but there is something different and unique about the way Nicholas' mind works. He processes things the way an adult does as far as being able to deduce and reason and I have NO IDEA how he can do it. I never thought such young children were even capable of doing stuff like that. He plays computer/phone/iPad games but not just like playing around on them, he actually WINS most complicated games. His memory is AMAZING! If you show him something once, he will never forget it. It seems constantly Aubree is coming to me for help with something and I always say, "go ask Nicholas to help you" and he immediately goes and does whatever she needs (tv channels turned to her show, phone unlocked and game pulled up, breaking through locks, etc). He can remember lock patterns and number patterns even though he can't count past 17 (yeah I know, it's kinda random number but he just loses interest around there) :) and he likes to make stacks and can figure out how to balance off-shaped items in ways I even sometimes have troubles with. There is another side to this amazing mind...he is STUBBORN! Oh! Goodness! I knew it would come back to me. If I heard it once I've heard it a thousand times..."he's just like his momma". Yes! This boy may be smart and may be shy, but he knows EXACTLY what he wants and he will WORK you until he gets it...THANK YOU JESUS You have given him a momma who is MORE stubborn than he is and will see to it that his stubbornness does not rule the house but this boy has no idea how close he is to out-lasting me sometimes! :) (and he will never know)
Nicholas is the man of the house when daddy's out but when daddy is in, he is right under daddy's wing every step. Since the moment he was born he has been nothing more than he has been a daddy's boy. -no matter how much I tried to get my momma's boy, it was never meant to be! His daddy just soaks it up too. Before I was able to go into the NICU to see them, my mom and husband went in there and came back to tell me about them and my mom said that they were standing around and my mom was talking sweetly to Nicholas and he just laid there but then his daddy came over and said something and immediately Nicholas's face turned towards Donny, his hazy newborn eyes searching out the familar voice. That is the story of NickNick's life now.
And then of course, Annabelle Jayde!!!!
Let's just look at her for a can you stop smiling at this one? My baby!
You look at these pictures and think to! She seems like a sweet little soft most squeezable little baby, right? WRONG! I wouldn't try that if I were you. :) She may be a baby doll on the outside, but this little girl will NOT sit there like a portrait to be stared at and "oooohed and aaahhhhed" over. She is a feisty little tank who works to sucker her victims in with her pretty long-lash-lined green eyes, her pitiful little stare then she will get whatever she wants!
Tread carefully with this one. She didn't come 18months after TWINS for no reason! (and she wasn't a NINE POUND baby for nothing!) She was sent on a mission from God! On August 18, 2010, our surprise 9lb, 20" baby, BelleBelle (as the twins began calling her in the womb and she remains BelleBelle even now) came sweetly and quietly into our lives making us believe that all those who said "you'll have your hands full" didn't know what they were talking about. The girl hardly did ANYTHING but sleep and smile and I think she even winked at me on occasion as if saying, "I got this, I'll take care of you mom". Well......let's skip ahead! 6 teeth came in at about 5 months (CRAZY since my other 2 didn't even cut their first tooth til after 10 months and only had 2 teeth until they were about 13 months) and started rolling over at 2...Yes! TWO months old and crawling...okay, she crawled at 6 months, so that's not so out of the ordinary, and walking at 10 months, so that's early but not unusually, but HEY! You just gotta know this little spit-fire to know! Annabelle is whatever every 18-months-younger-than-my-twin-siblings is gonna have to be to survive! From the day she was born, the thing I get told most is, "WOW! She is BEAUTIFUL!" She has such a soft and just PRETTY face and always a smile on it, even when she cries. Kinda sad when I just smile at her tears because I have never seen a more beautiful crying face. BelleBelle is going to be my tall (she is quite a lengthy child) sophisticated and elegant beauty. She has a little bit of a stubborn streak herself (nothing like her big brother's thank goodness) but in such a way that if she has something and, say AUBREE, takes it away from her, she will look at Aubree and yell at her. If Aubree gives it right back to her, she will not take it, rather, she will follow Aubree around the room yelling at her and then come to me with a pitiful devastated cry as if she had tried to "talk it over" with Aubree and correct Aubree's misbehavior and Aubree wouldn't listen. It's so funny to watch her interact with her older brother and sister. I don't think it even occurs to her that they don't understand what she is saying, or for that matter, that she isn't even as big as they are. This little one is going to be my little "boss". Aubree is a strong personality but has never been very bossy, although she likes people to play what she is playing, she is always willing to play what others want to play...Nicholas is always the child playing on his own by his own choice, if others come to play with him, he sometimes will get up an leave to be on his own...but ANNABELLE, she is the one who COMMANDS attention and is going to make sure they hear her and OBEY! :) She will be the one calling the shots!
***EDIT 4/24/12--- So much has changed I see since I wrote this! Reading it I am thinking, Annabelle was like that??? I mean, most of it is still the same but now, at 20 months I am thinking back and realizing what a good thing I wrote this because she has changed o much that I didn't even remember soe of these things until I just read it. For instance, her face "always a smile on it"??? Haha! the thing all our close friends and family know most about Belle is that she is the "serious" girl. She always has a straight face and is constantly giving everyone a very judgemental scowl and furrowing her brow with a puckered frown. My mom says I was the exact same way when I was little. Never smiled and just always serious. It cracks me up! When she does smile and laugh, it is the sweetest cutest thing ever but typically, even when she is happy, she just has a serious face. She will intentionally jold it too. If you try to make her smile she will stare at you intently and occasionally slightly almost lose her composure with the hint of a smile but then reinforce the frown with a deeper one. Anyways, just wanted to mention the change inthe last 7 months***
So these are my amazing little angels and a little bit into their personalities! I am amazed every day at how creative and wonderful my Lord is and how it shows through my little babies. How can 3 babies with the very same parents growing up in the same place at the same time with all the same influences around them turn out so different (in appearance AND personality)! Not only that, but they all fit so perfectly together so stretegically that only He could have masterminded such a perfect blend. Had we stopped after the twins and not had Belle, we would not have had our little bubbly and lively decision-maker and had eaither of the twins not come then the other would never have turned out the way they are.
Oh, and btw, please forgive all the ridiculous typos everywhere! It's REALLY late and this is the first blog I've ever written. :)